About Us
Who are Oriel Ministries?
Oriel Ministries has been sharing the Gospel with young people since the vision God implanted on Chris and Nikki’s heart in 2009 with the schools band LED. The ministry and work has grown but the heart and passion has always remained the same – to see young people’s lives transformed through the Gospel.
Today we are still sharing the love of Jesus with young people through professional and exciting projects. Our projects range from evangelistic events and conferences through to ongoing discipleship courses in the form of our clubs and community outreach work. Wherever we may meet a young person we want them to walk away knowing that they are loved and that they have hope in Jesus and an eternal life through having a relationship with Him.
After years of mission we have seen the generation of young people change dramatically. Schools have become so tight on sharing the Christian faith and the need to reach children and young people has become more apparent than ever before. The battle for our young people is NOW! With an ever growing and changing culture especially with media, gaming and the online presence of this generation we know that this is an essential time to be sharing the message of Hope with young people.
This battle is WHY the work of Oriel Ministries is so crucial as we see this broken generation in our schools and projects we know we need to reach more young people and get them the help and support that they need. There is such an importance to lay down the foundation of the Gospel so that when these children face the battle, they are armoured with the best protection they can have – Jesus!
Our vision is to make an eternal impact on a generation of young people through the life changing message of the Gospel and to nurture them through discipleship and mentoring them into becoming leaders of the future.
Our Aims
To share the Gospel
To disciple and mentor young people
To build relationships
To build partnerships with churches, police, schools, youth organisations and local authorities
In Practice
Helping young people to reach their potential in their schools and communities and enabling them to deal with issues they face daily.
Giving young people opportunities to explore the Christian faith.
Helping to resource schools, churches and other organisations that have a heart to reach and work with young people, whilst providing attractive events for further follow up.
Seeking to work in partnership with schools, churches, organisations including the police, local council and businesses for long term development designed to follow up with and disciple young people.
Working year-round, fulfilling the emotional and spiritual needs of young people.
Our Values
To adhere to the Evangelical Statement of faith at all times
To be of sound Christian witness both in the workplace and personal life
To fulfil Oriel’s vision and aims through the various projects
The Outcome
Through the work of Oriel Ministries, each year many choose to respond to the Gospel and many of those are discipled through our projects and local church youth groups. As young people’s lives are transformed through the life-changing message of the gospel, they begin to grasp hold of their identity and the world around them. They become more resilient towards the issues or hardships they face and become role models to help to make a difference in the lives of their peers, families and friends.