Our Partners
Business Partners
Wings Accounting
Website: wingsaccountants.co.uk
Tel: 01822 669001
Mob: 07849 747703
Email: admin@wingsaccountants.co.uk
Facebook: @wingsaccountants
Twitter: @wingsaccounts
More Creative Solutions
Website: morecreativesolutions.co.uk
Tel: 01566 777333
Email: hello@morecreativesolutions.co.uk
Facebook: @MoreCreativeSolutions
Instagram: @more_creative_solutions
DS Smith
Website: dssmith.com
Facebook: @dssmith.group
Trethorne Leisure Park
Website: trethorneleisure.com
Tel: 01566 86324
Email: info@trethorneleisure.com
Facebook: @trethorneleisure
Website: www.prolawservices.uk
Tel: 01288 255655
Email: ian.mason@prolawservices.uk
Facebook: @prolawbude
Good Beef Index
Website: goodbeefindex.org
Tel: 01822 820740
Email Hippo
Website: tools.emailhippo.com
Tel: 01566 701204
Unique Mobility
Website: uniquemobility.co.uk
Tel: 01566 774030
Bridge Tools
Website: www.bridgetools.co.uk
Tel Wadebridge: 01208 815697
Tel Launceston: 01566 788288
Email: info@bridgetools.co.uk
Facebook: @bridgetools
Omni Tech Electronics Limited
Website: www.buselectronics.co.uk
Tel: 01246 474332
Email: help@omnitechelectronics.co.uk
Church and Organisation Partners
Wadebridge Christian Centre
Website: wadebridgechristiancentre.org
Tel: 01208 813110
Email: admin@wadebridgechristiancentre.org
Facebook: @wadebridgechristiancentre
City Church Plymouth
Website: citychurchplymouth.org.uk
Light & Life St Austell
Website: www.lightandlifestaustell.co.uk
Tel: 01726 65313
Facebook: @LLstaustell
New Life Fellowship Plymouth
Website: www.newlifeplymouth.org.uk
Mob: 07871 906644
Email: contact@newlifeplymouth.org.uk
Facebook: @New-Life-Fellowship-Plymouth
New Life Bodmin
Website: www.newlifebodmin.org
Tel: 01208 74346
Email: info@newlifebodmin.org
Facebook: @newlifebodmin
Coast Family Church
Website: www.coastfamilychurch.org
Tel: 01840 230210
Trust and Grant Partners
Benefact Trust
Website: www.benefacttrust.co.uk
Email: info@benefacttrust.co.uk
Garfield Weston Foundation
Website: www.garfieldweston.org
Email: admin@garfieldweston.org
Marsh Charitable Trust
Website: marshcharitabletrust.org
Tel: 07766 391674